Spray foam insulation is a good example of a green product that is cost efficient, affordable, performs better than standard insulation, provides a higher level of comfort in your home, and helps save resources.
Depending on the application, spray foam insulation is an affordable option that has a lower overall cost than standard insulation. Even though the initial cost of foam insulation is higher than standard insulation, the overall cost when considering your utility bills can be less. This means that from day one you could lower your overall expenses. Consuming less energy may also result in less use of coal, oil, and natural gas used in the generation of energy. Moreover, since your house uses less energy, the size of your HVAC equipment can be reduced resulting in more cost savings. In addition, once foam insulation is inside your walls it does not need to be maintained like other equipment in your house. It also has the added benefit of reducing air infiltration which is one of the main sources of energy loss in your home. As a result you have a home that is less drafty and more comfortable to live in.
Here is a link to an Energy Cost Savings Calculator that shows your potential cost savings.
Energy Cost Savings Calculator
Additional information on Foam Insulation:
Foam Insulation Common Applications